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Friday, 7 February 2014

A Holiday of a Lifetime

Just a short one today - I'm knackered!

Apparently the weather has taken a turn for the better - it appears the rain has stopped, the sun is shining, the skies are blue and it is pleasantly warm. However, as I have spent much of the last 48 hours either in IKEA or up a ladder stripping, filling and painting - the improvement in the weather has rather gone over my head.

IKEA is tiring at the best of times, but when your wife moans about her ankle still being sore after breaking a couple of bones in it a few weeks ago and how life would be better - at least for her - if we borrowed a wheel chair, it was more tiring than usual. Unfortunately the latest Sydney branch of IKEA is particularly enormous.

"Where is my IKEA Family Card - I'm sure I brought it with me?"

Tomorrow should be fun - final coats of paint on ceiling, walls and skirting - off to IKEA to pick up three double wardrobes for the girl's bedroom - lots of swearing as Steven and I argue about how they should be put together and cursing the pictogram type instructions. Then off to our Burns Supper - it's all go when you holiday in Australia!

"Of course I'm having a good time!"

Grandad's little helper


  1. Missing you already! But your blog is as witty as usual and so glad to hear our weather has followed you again! And IKEA is everywhere in this small world. Keep up the good work and hope Sandra is fully mobile soon. Look forward to hearing of more adventures as life in Eskbank is so dull!

  2. John and Libby at The Limit.10 February, 2014

    James and Sandra, got your email and have started chilling the beer. Lovely to see you back in Oz.
    Cheers, John and Libby.

  3. John and Marie16 February, 2014

    James and Sandra, can you make Perth the first stop on your list. We haven't had any rain for about three months.
