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Tuesday, 9 March 2010

We're Off

Well that's the vehicle packed and we are on our way - heading North.

Goodbye Sydney - we should see you again in December!

Blogs probably going to be fewer, shorter and with less photographs as access to the Internet is likely to be restricted.
J & S


  1. Good luck to both of you on your journey.

    hope you the animals are kinder on this trip James.

    will look forward to reading when you can blog.

    take care

    Neil x

  2. Gute reise
    Bon voyage

    Have a great trip. We look forward to hearing your notes from the big island. Remember Crocodile Dundee was only a film so ease off and try and resist fighting anymore of the native wildlife.

  3. Good luck to you both and have a wonderful time! Look forward to hearing more adventures when you have time!
