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Monday, 8 March 2010

Johann's Birthday Party

Well time in Sydney is coming to an end. We now have the vehicle with all the equipment and have had two "dummy runs" to check everything is OK. The Nissan went for a full service and check up and emerged with flying colours. We are ready to go. However, before hitting the road, there was one more important social engagement - Johann's sixtieth birthday party.

Approximately 60 (appropriately enough) of Sydney's finest were invited to the party which was to be fancy dress with the theme being - "India". Johann then pulled a fast one! Her school was sending a large number of pupils on an Outward Bound course and she was one of the leaders and therefore disappeared into the bush for the week leading up to the party - not before leaving copious instructions of what she expected Sandra and I to do to prepare. Food - drink - decorations etc - noses to the grindstone for days!

When one packs for a trip to Australia putting in Indian outfits is not a high priority - however, as luck would have it, I did pack an shirt I bought in India last year - so I knew I was able to look the part. Unfortunately, when looking at the photos, my appearance is not of the intended Maharajah of Jaipur but more like a particularly scruffy and dishevelled street sweeper from a very low Untouchable Caste. (Seen next to my son Steven who was not in fancy dress)

This is of course in severe contrast to Johann, Sandra's sister who, even though pictured performing the menial task of preparing a tomato salad - still was able to look like an Indian Princess (well I've got to say that haven't I!)

Sandra of course was at the party and, as can be seen from the next photo, she was was not above making advances to an unclean Mumbai street sweeper - the disguise was very convincing.

The party was a great success and having put in so much time and effort preparing for the event it was no surprise that Sandra and I collapsed in total exhaustion before proceedings came to an end. Unfortunately the intrusive paparazzi took photos which could have other interpretations!
Sweet dreams!


  1. James you always enjoying dressing up I ahve my worries about you.
    Sandra thats a rather small glass of red in your hand but you obviously enjoyed the party!
    When do you leave for the out back ?

  2. Too funny. Obviously you're going to have put in some hours training before you get to Humpty Doo if you fall asleep before the end of the party
