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Monday, 1 February 2010

We now have access to money and mobile phones

Just a quick one today and pretty boring fare it is too.
After a long lie in on Sunday (up at 12 noon) we spent the afternoon doing a recce of camping gear shops followed by a dinner with David and Lesley, people we have met on several of our previous Australian trips. Dinner was constantly interrupted with cheers and groans both for and against Andy Murray.

Monday was spent organising boring, but important, domestic issues - a long visit to the bank to ensure the money had arrived and arranging the relevant plastic etc - followed by a trip to a mobile phone shop to buy two phones, one for me and one for Sandra. I'm a bit dubious about the latter as when she had a work mobile she either forgot to charge it, forgot where she had left it or just didn't bother to answer it.

Finally, dinner with Steven (our son) and Ana his girlfriend.

Tomorrow we move into the house we are looking after for the next few weeks and starting the search for a suitable 4 wheel drive.

PS for anyone who wants to try, James' new mobile phone number is 0438375587
I'm sorry I can't give you Sandra's number - she can't find the phone - and she's only had it a few hours !!

1 comment:

  1. Alison Tanner02 February, 2010

    Sandra & a mobile phone - a bad idea - as you said James, it will never be answered or charged 7 probably lost??!! Sandra - you should know better - incognito is best! hope you're both having a great time - very cold here!! Take care, Alison x
