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Friday, 12 February 2010

Just a quickie today.
A very hot and sweaty trip round various shopping malls for basic stuff for our trip. Thank goodness for air con in both the car and the various venues as the mercury was up to 37C (for those of you still on pounds, shillings and pence that's about 98F)

Most of the kit is now bought although we still need a generator (to make sure the fridge keeps the beer cold) and comfortable seats.

Spent the evening in the local pub taking in pints of Guinness and a rugby match.


  1. Will you be able to watch the Wales v Scot game with yer beer? When do you leave Sydney for the bush ?

  2. Hello to you both,

    At long last have manged to get a chance to catch up with your adventure!

    You both look well and seem to be having a great time!!
    Not surprised you tackled the bus just has to be done..
    Keep posting the blogs they are great to read but keep safe..

    Fiona xx
