After an uneventful flight we arrived in Denpasar which was heaving with traffic and flashing blue lights - the president if Indonesia was in town and the police were taking no chances.
The Watergarden in Candidasa is very pleasant and we are now ensconced in our water bungalow which is very private and, as the name suggests, surrounded by water and an amazing amount of tropical greenery. Needless to say Sandra has discovered the Spa and, before we have even started to explore the local area, she has disappeared for a massage leaving me to be entertained by our neighbours who live a few feet away i.e. hundreds of koi carp (I think - very big goldfish at least) mind you I can't complain too much about the massage as for about $10 (about £5.50) I am getting an hour's worth of peace and she says it will relax her.
We wondered if you'd be on the same flight as Bill - just thank your lucky stars you're not on the same flight back ha ha. I have emailed you the details of the guesthouse we stay at in Ubud. it's really nice - check out TripAdvisor it's got 100% 4.5 - 5 stars. If you want to stay there book ahead just in case. Have fun. We miss you. xx