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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Paranoia? No - it's The Real Thing

Paranoia, according to Johann’s Concise Oxford Dictionary, can be defined as “mental derangement, especially when marked by delusions of persecution”. On our trip round Australia Sandra and I have flirted with paranoia when reflecting on the abnormal weather patterns that have persecuted us on our circumnavigation. No matter where we went the rain gods would seek us out and reward us with yet another downpour – it was little wonder that paranoid thoughts were never far away. However I am happy to reveal that neither of us is suffering from “mental derangement” as events over the last few days have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that it is not paranoia – they really are out to get us!

Yesterday’s blog revealed how, through sheer frustration at being rained on yet again, I sent in a letter to the Sydney Morning Herald and had a good whinge about the appalling weather we have suffered in Australia. Although on a personal level the publishing of my letter has had a cathartic effect, it has also unleashed a storm of protest as Australians have been quick to respond to my whinging and have written to the Sydney Morning Herald requesting that we leave the country forthwith. The general sentiment was perhaps best expressed by someone called Pip (no doubt short for Pipsqueak) Denton from Guildford whose letter in today’s paper I reproduce below.

Under the heading of “Home, James” Pipsqueak said

“On behalf of Australia, I would like to thank James Douglas and his wife for so effectively breaking the drought (Letters, December 28). Now – with all due respect – could they please leave, as some of the rain has gone a little over the top.”

And there you have it – when people start writing to a major national newspaper asking you to leave the country you know you are not suffering from “delusions of persecution” but are experiencing the real thing.

On a more positive note, as this is probably going to be the last blog of 2010, Sandra and I would like to wish everyone, wherever you are, a Happy and Healthy New Year. We will be celebrating New Year in Sydney where Sandra and Johann are looking forward to the arrival of younger sister Gill - consequently I am looking forward to the re-enactment of the opening scene from The Scottish Play!

The photo below was taken at Mort Bay on 29 December looking out towards Sydney Harbour Bridge - you will note that the rain has stopped and we were just about to embark on a pub crawl!


  1. I think this might be the 1000th hit - how's that for a small time blogger from Dalkeith. Damn - am reliably informed that I've missed it and in fact am 1002nd. That's what happens when you choose food over fame.

  2. Marie and John31 December, 2010

    Happy Hogmanay James and Sandra (none of this New Year stuff for you Scotties)We'll raise a glass to you at midnight (Western Standard Time)

    Pipsqueak obviously doesn't live in Guildford WA otherwise she would be welcoming you and the rain clouds with open arms.
