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Monday 25 January 2010


A mini-post before we go.
Despite having a year to prepare here we are with less than 3 hours before we go and:
- the house is still a tip
- bags have been packed and unpacked 3 times
- the scales for weighing them have broken and we have had to borrow
- the pump in the pond has broken down and I can't get the spare to work
- the hose has sprung a leak and we've had a flood
- Sandra is trying to get 7kg of wire into 4kg of weight allowance (if you don't know - don't ask!)
- Sandra has lost her bank PIN No - the bank was going to post it to her - the post's been, but no number (serves her right!)

Apart from that it's all systems go! Heathrow, then Hong Kong, here we come.

1 comment:

  1. At last I have finally worked out how to work this blogspot (I think!). Have a most wonderful trip and we look forward to reading all your adventures. Will be in touch soon (hopefully) when no 4 grandchild finally arrives - only 8 days late so far!
    Just leave Jon to sort out pump and hose or tell him to find Ian, you know how he loves to fix things! Otherwise just pick up your cases and go and Sandra will just have to rely on you for cash!
    Lots of love, Kathleen and Ian
